Required – Regular Education
- An EL must demonstrate the ability to access challenging academic content and interact with other students and teachers both academically and socially in an English language setting in order to be considered for reclassification.
- Evidence of this ability is demonstrated by the student receiving a combined score of 10.5 on the annual English language proficiency assessment, ACCESS for ELLs®, and the standardized language use inventories completed by the student’s ESL teacher and English content area teacher.
As required by federal regulations, your child’s academic progress will be monitored for two years.
Required – ELs with Disabilities (taking the ACCESS for ELLs®)
An EL with a disability may be considered for reclassification if:
- The student has an IEP, AND;
- The student has been continuously enrolled in an ESL/bilingual education program for at least four years, AND;
- The student’s overall composite proficiency level score on the ACCESS for ELLs® has not increased by more than 10% at any point or total over the three most recent testing cycles, AND;
- The IEP team, with input from an ESL/bilingual education professional, recommends reclassification.
As required by federal regulations, your child’s academic progress will be monitored for two years.