2023 CLSD Board of School Directors: (seated, l-r) Susan Dieffenbach, Susan Weiss, Ruth Ann Schlegel, Diana Carpenter, and Jane Owsiak; (standing, l-r) Joel Zug, Kyle Bensing, Christian Thomas, and Jeffrey Snyder.
Our school board is a locally-elected government body that serves as the agent of the state legislature and the representatives of the community in providing a high-quality public education for the students of the school district.
School Board members perform three fundamental functions:
- Hiring and supervision of the Superintendent
- Setting board policy
- Enacting the district’s annual budget.
Additional responsibilities of the School Board include: establishing, equipping, and maintaining school buildings, adopting textbooks, approving the annual school calendar, appointing teachers and administrators and determining salaries, and entering into contracts.
Our school board consists of nine, unpaid members who serve a four-year term. School board elections are held every two years, and the number of seats up for election is staggered, with five seats elected one term, then four seats elected the alternate term.
Click on the links in the left hand menu for information about Meeting Participation Guidelines, Board Meeting Dates, to access Board Docs for Minutes and Agendas, or to view the Livestream of a meeting.
Voting Members
* The names are hyperlinked to each School Board Director’s email. If you would like to email all of the School Board members at once, please use this distribution group email: schoolboard@clsd.k12.pa.us.
Non-Voting Members
- Jean L. Hentz, Secretary
- Wesley M. Bensing, Treasurer