- Students must ride the bus to which they are assigned unless written permission is obtained from a building principal. Transfer cards will not be issued for sleepovers, social events at a friend’s home, sports practices, etc..
- Students are expected to be out of personal vehicles and prepared to board the bus when it arrives at the stop. Arrival time should be 10 minutes prior to the scheduled bus pick-up time.
- Students should observe proper respect and care of property while waiting for bus.
- Students should stay off the road as far as possible and wait until the bus stops completely before approaching it to load.
- Students will be assigned seats when deemed necessary – seating shall be three to a seat when such space is needed.
- Students should not bring objects that cannot be carried on the lap onto the bus. Items such as tubas, drums, baritone horns, balloons, etc., will not be transported. Hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, and bats will not be transported unless they are in a sports bag designed for the item.
- Students should not place books, bags, lunch pails, etc., in the aisle of the bus.
- Students are prohibited from carrying weapons, water pistols, dangerous articles, or live animals on the bus.
- Students may not consume food, drink, drugs, or tobacco on the bus.
- Students should refrain from loud talking and making unnecessary noise – no radios, cassettes, CD players, etc., should be carried onto the bus. Personal listening devices (e.g., MP3 players) are permitted.
- Students must refrain from vulgar, profane, or argumentative talk.
- Students are not to open windows without permission – arms or other parts of the body are not to be placed outside of the windows.
- Students are to be seated before the bus starts and to remain seated until the bus stops.
- Students are to move away from the loading zone quickly after leaving the bus.
- Students are to remain in the bus if it is stalled or stopped unless an emergency requires evacuation. Pupils will then be directed to safety.
- Fighting is not permitted on the bus. Students must keep all hands, feet, etc., to oneself.
- The use of bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. If student conduct jeopardizes the safety of others, or is otherwise undesirable, this privilege may be denied.
- All school rules apply while on the bus. Bus Conduct Reports are used to communicate inappropriate behavior to a student’s school Principal.
- Video and audio equipment are in use on every bus.
- Students are to enter the bus one at a time and go directly to their assigned seat without crowding or pushing. Students are to sit facing forward, keeping the aisle clear at all times. Students are to remain seated for the entirety of the ride.
- Students that live on the opposite side of the roadway from where the bus picks up or drops off should cross 10 feet in front of the bus once the bus has come to a complete stop and has activated its signals. Students who are exiting should cross the road immediately while the bus has traffic stopped. Always look left, right, and left again prior to crossing the road.
- Students of all ages are permitted to exit the bus at their designated stop without a parent or guardian present.
- Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus. Do not throw anything out the window.
- Keep your hands to yourself. No hitting, pushing, spitting, biting, tripping, rough behavior, bullying, throwing items, or affectionate displays of emotion are permitted at any time.
- Report graffiti, broken, and/or vandalized items to the driver as soon as possible. Damaging the bus will result in the students being charged for the repair. No tampering or touching of the bus equipment is permitted. Never sit in the driver’s seat.
- Interaction with vehicles behind or beside the bus is not permitted.
- Use of electronic devices is a privilege. Concerns linked to student use of electronic devices may result in the loss of such a privilege for any students. Filming videos and taking pictures is not permitted on the bus.