Student assignments to buses or vans are reviewed annually and routes and stops are determined in the summer. Parents will receive notification in early August via Skylert Message that their child’s transportation information is available in the Skyward parent portal. Bus stop change requests must be submitted to the Transportation Office by August 17, 2023, to be effective on the first day of the 2023-2024 school year. Requests received between August 18 and August 28, 2022, will take effect Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023.
Cornwall-Lebanon School District students who are transported to and from school each day are assigned one a.m. stop and one p.m. stop. These assignments may differ in the AM and PM. Assignments are based on the student’s home address.
If transportation is needed to pick up or drop off your student(s) from an alternate address (ex., before- or after-school care provider or Family 2 location), please submit a “Bus Stop Procedures and Change Request Form.” Note: For elementary school students, this alternate address must be within the same school attendance zone to which the student is assigned.
All bus stop change requests are reviewed on an individual basis and Administration has the right to reject requests. Some examples of unacceptable requests include: spending the night at a friend’s house, going to a dance, going to work, or attending a sports practice or event.
Bus Stop Change Request forms must be submitted four days prior to the starting date of the request.
Cornwall-Lebanon School District will work with families who have emergency change requests, such as a death in the family, medical emergency, student’s parents/guardians are out of town, or parent’s/guardian’s work schedule has changed, while balancing the need to be consistent with our bus loads and routes.
Activity Buses are available for CCHS and CCMS students who remain after school for school-related activities. Schedules are posted in the main offices of the middle and high schools.
Transportation for CTC Students
Cornwall-Lebanon School District provides transportation from Cedar Crest High School for students enrolled at Lebanon County CTC, unless the District is not in session due to scheduled days off and/or for weather closure days.
Normal Schedule:
7:45 a.m. – Shuttle bus departs CCHS with AM and All Day CTC Students
11:00 a.m. – Shuttle buses depart CTC with AM CTC Students returning to CCHS
11:05 a.m. – PM CTC students dismissed from classes
11:18 a.m. – Shuttle bus departs CCHS with PM CTC Students
2:15 p.m. – Shuttle bus departs CTC with All Day and PM CTC Students returning to CCHS for transportation home
2:25 p.m. – CTC students return to CCHS, end of day
Two Hour Delay Schedule:
9:45 a.m. – Shuttle buses depart CCHS with All Day & AM CTC Students
11:30 a.m. – Shuttle buses depart CTC with AM CTC Students returning to CCHS
12:00 p.m. – CTC students dismissed from classes after meeting with Pd. 4 teachers
12:15 p.m. – Shuttle bus departs CCHS with PM CTC Students
2:15 p.m. – Shuttle bus departs CTC with All Day and PM CTC Students returning to CCHS for transportation home
2:25 p.m. – CTC students return to CCHS, end of day
Transportation for Students in Non-Public Schools
Pennsylvania law requires school districts to transport any school-aged child enrolled in a non-public school and residing within its boundaries, if transportation is provided to the district’s own students. All Bus Assignments & Guidelines in the section above apply to non-public school students riding CLSD provided transportation. See the link at the left for more important information, including Hub and Modified Schedules.
After School Activity Bus Runs 2023-2024
Click here to view the Activity Bus Run Stops for the 2023-2024 School Year.