Title 1 Information:
PA Parent Information Resource Center
The goal of the PA PIRC is “to expand and initiate opportunities for parents to be involved in their children’s education and to design outreach strategies that facilitate local educational initiatives.” Each month parents are provided with the opportunity to learn about a variety of events, conferences, and workshops in Pennsylvania and around the nation so that they can keep informed about the latest happenings in the field of parent involvement.
At their website you will find a flyer provided by the PA PIRC that outlines the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act, as well as the responsibilities of schools and parents under the legislation.
Parent Resource Centers at Ebenezer and Union Canal Elementary Schools
Both Ebenezer and Union Canal elementary schools have Parent Resource Centers that are available during regular school hours that include resources for students and parents. Please make arrangements through your child’s Title 1 teachers or the school principal.
PA Student Parent Advisory Council
Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV houses a Title I parent resource center that distributes information to parents about such topics as attitude and motivation, parent and community involvement, Title I program resources, child safety, parents in the military, and helping children learn. Title I parents are welcome to request a single copy of up to ten free booklets that might help them to discuss important issues with their kids. Each year, the resource center sends information to thousands of families in Pennsylvania.
Title 1 Powerpoint Presentation
At the annual Title 1 Parent meeting, a presentation will be given by Dr. Bozman, Ebenezer Elementary School Principal. The presentation will cover the following topics:
- History
- Goal
- How was my child identified as needing reading support?
- What will my child be working on in reading support?
- How long will my child be in reading support?
- Qualify vs. Served
- Targeted vs. Schoolwide
- Parent Involvement Policies
- Compact (click on link below)
- Monitoring