Observe Traffic Signs When Driving on CLSD Roadways
Transporting students to and from school is a necessary part of a sound educational program in a district such as ours. Perhaps no other area demands more responsibility for student welfare than the transportation of students on public highways, streets, and roads.
Part of the safety surrounding transportation of students involves the cooperation of those who transport students to and from school in private vehicles. Drivers should be aware of and abide by signs that are clearly posted in areas where school buses and school vans discharge and load students. These signs indicate times when only buses or vans are permitted in the drop-off and pick-up areas. It is imperative for the welfare of our students who use either a school bus or a school van to be able to exit and enter these vehicles safely.
On behalf of the students who ride our school buses and school vans, we want to thank those who drive students to any of the district’s buildings for acknowledging the posted areas restricting personal vehicles. Your continued cooperation will ensure the safety and welfare of all of our students as they are transported both to and from school.
Pick-Up and Drop-Off Locations
Each building has requirements for areas that are to be used for parents to pick up and/or drop off students. Please be sure to know and follow your student’s building rules for pick up and drop off, listed below.
Cedar Crest High School
Morning Drop-Off:
- School Buses drop-off at Door A
- Student drop-off is at door E (“Alumni Gym” entrance across from the stadium)
- Both Door A and Door E will open no earlier than 7:15 a.m.
Parents and guardians are asked to follow the route on this map and described below when dropping off your student(s).
- Entering CCHS campus from Evergreen Road: Please use Falcon Drive and enter the second entrance of Parking lot E. This will allow you to proceed directly to the fire lane in front of Gym A (New Gym), Gym B (Old Gym), and LGI. When you enter the fire lane, please drop your student(s) off quickly. Once your student(s) has been dropped off, you can then proceed to exit the campus either by Evergreen Road or State Drive exits.
- Entering CCHS campus from State Drive: Please use Falcon Drive and as you turn left in front of the stadium, you will use the first entrance of Parking lot E. This will allow you to proceed directly to the fire lane in front of Gym A (New Gym), Gym B (Old Gym), and LGI. When you enter the fire lane, please drop your student(s) off quickly. Once your student(s) has been dropped off, you can then proceed to exit the campus either by Evergreen Road or State Drive exits.
- Do not park in the fire lane but simply drop your student(s) off so we can keep the line moving.
- All students dropped off will enter through Door E, which is located near Gym B (Old Gym) and the LGI.
- Please DO NOT drive through Parking lot E. This parking lot is for our senior driving students only, and we need to protect them as they exit their vehicle and use the crosswalks to also enter at Door E.
A NOTE for Juniors who drive:
Junior Students will park in Upper Parking lot, Lot D and shall use the walking path next to the field house. Students shall then walk across Falcon Drive using the crosswalk. Students shall continue to the walking path next to the loading dock and walk to the sidewalk outside of the high school. Students shall then enter the building through Door E.
End of Day Pick-Up:
- Students can be picked up at Door E (“Alumni Gym”)
- After students are dismissed at 2:30 p.m., students must exit the building or possess an after-school pass from a teacher to remain in the building, If a student is staying for an athletic practice or detention, tutoring with a teacher, or completing research in the library, a pass from the appropriate teacher or grade-level principal must be in their possession. Due to security reasons, the policy will be strictly enforced and students who are found loitering will be considered trespassing and receive consequences.
Cedar Crest Middle School
Middle School Students who are being transported to school by their families are to be dropped off and/or picked up at the beginning and end of the school day behind CCMS. Click here for a map.
ONLY school bus/van drivers are permitted to access the driveway loops in front of the buildings at these times. Parents/drivers are asked to drop-off/pick-up their students in the designated area behind CCMS.
Student Drop-Off Procedures (Start of Day)
Who: All middle school students
When: Morning drop-off. Doors open at 7:45 am
Where: The rear of the middle school at Door 6
How: Proceed on Falcon Drive and follow the signs directing to the MS student drop off area. Vehicles will form a line in the drop-off loop and students will exit the vehicle at the walkway to Door 6.
Student Pick-Up Procedures (End of Day)
Who: All middle school students
When: Afternoon pick-up.
Where: The rear of the middle school at Door 6
Driver Plan: Drivers will follow the signs along Crest Drive to enter the pick-up parking lot to create a single pick-up line. When a row of cars is stopped within the yellow lines along the sidewalk, their student may cross the yellow line to enter their car. Following all students loading cars withing the yellow line, drives will follow the car line to exit the parking lot. If a driver is in the car line, and their student is not present, the driver will be directed to back into a parking spot past the pick-up line to wait.
Student Plan: Students will be dismissed from Door 6 (Same doors students enter at parent drop-off). Students will stand behind the yellow line on the sidewalk along the parking lot. When the student’s car pulls up in the pick-up area and all cars are stopped, students can cross the yellow line to enter their car.
Cornwall Elementary School
Click here to view Car-Rider Route Map
Click here to view the Cornwall Principal’s Letter to parents/guardians
AM Drop-Off
- Drop-Off time is 8:50 a.m.
Parents are to enter and exit the playground parking lot to drop off their student.
Students should enter the building and go to class.
PM Pick-Up
- Parent pick-up begins at 3:40 PM.
- If you arrive early please park in the bus garage parking lot, then at 3:40 p.m., proceed to the designated route.
- Parent pick-up will take place on the playground.
- Entrance to the pick-up area is located off Burd Coleman Road. Please enter Burd Coleman from Alden Street. Please click on the map link above to a map of the traffic flow expectations. In addition, CLSD police will be present to help facilitate traffic. When traffic comes to a slow pace, please stay to the far right side/shoulder (or grass) of the road as much as possible to allow traffic to continue to move. Finally, there will be no left hand turns off 419 into the parking lot.
General Information:
- Please DO NOT arrive at the gate before 3:40 PM.
- Please have your placard visible. (Please show photo ID until 2024-2025 pick-up sign placards are provided to verify students being picked up.)
- Please follow designated pick-up route and exit onto route 419
- Cornwall Borough is requesting that no one lines up on Burd Coleman or Alden street prior to the start of dismissal. See note, below.
A Note from the Borough:
Burd Coleman Road and Alden Street need to be clear of stopped traffic so emergency traffic and other vehicles do not have to travel in the opposite lane of travel creating a hazardous condition. To facilitate an efficient flow, it is recommended that anyone picking up children arrive promptly at the dismissal time of 3:40 p.m. If you choose to arrive early, you should wait in the bus garage parking lot across the street. At dismissal time, exit the lot to the right, turn left on to Alden Street, and then left on Burd Coleman. The Cornwall Borough Police Department will enforce the Pa Vehicle Code as it relates to stopping, standing, and parking on a public highway as necessary because of the limited sight distance. There should be no stopped standing unless it is during the free flow of pickup. The Cornwall Borough Police Department wants to keep everyone safe in that area during school dismissal time and appreciates your cooperation as the new school year gets started.
Ebenezer Elementary School
AM Drop-Off
- AM drop off time is 8:50 a.m.
- Families are to enter the parking lot and continue onto the playground.
- Students should enter the building to go to class or to the cafeteria for breakfast.
- ALL students should be dropped off on the playground.
PM Pick-Up
- PM pick up time is 3:40 p.m.
- Gates to the playground will be open at 3:40 p.m.
- Parents enter the playground to pick up their student. Parents will be required to show photo ID.
- If on the everyday pick-up list, please display your card on your dash.
- After picking up their student, parents will exit the playground.
South Lebanon Elementary School
AM Parent Drop-Off
- Please enter and exit the parking lot from the rear driveway off of Endress Road. Entry and exit from Rt. 897 is not allowed.
- Remain in line and follow the arrows on the pavement. Remain in line and follow the direction of staff that are directing traffic.
- Students will be dropped off at the office doors at the 3 cones.
- Students will be greeted by a staff member on a daily basis.
- Students will be allowed to enter the building at 8:45 a.m.
- Any students arriving prior to 8:50 a.m.will not be supervised and will not be allowed to enter the building.
PM Parent Pick-Up
- Parents will pick their students up outside of the main office. Parents stay in their cars and show their I.D. to a staff member. 2 Identification cards will be provided to our daily parent pickup families to replace the checking of ID. These cards can be transferred to an alternate person at the family’s discretion.
- Entry and exit off of Rte. 897 is prohibited from 3:00-4:00. Please use the back entrance off of Endress Road.
- Parents may not begin lining up for parent pickup until after 3:15 P.M. Please do not block handicap spaces when lining up prior to dismissal.
- Please provide a note or call the office prior to 3:00 p.m. to inform us that your child will be picked up. (A blanket note for the year or certain days of the week is acceptable instead of writing notes on a daily basis.)
- Students will be called to be dismissed at 3:40 p.m.
- Pull forward to the cones at the front of the building where your child and a staff member will be located.
Union Canal Elementary School
Parents have received this information via Skyward Message Center. Please click on the appropriate link below to read the information:
UC_Transportation Notice Drop-off procedure
UC_Parent Pick-up procedure
AM Kindergarten Transportation Notice
PM Kindergarten Transportation Notice
Transportation Notice: END OF DAY DISMISSAL MAP