Cornwall-Lebanon School District provides no-cost evaluations to all students thought to be disabled aged three through 21 years of age. The evaluations are made available to determine if a child or youth meets the qualifications for one of the exceptionalities listed below under “Disability Categories.” Each district uses procedures to search for children who may qualify for services, such as parent and teacher referrals, review of records and report cards, and screening for hearing, vision, physical, and speech and language problems. If you feel your child may be exceptional and in need of special education, you may request that your child be considered for special services. Parent requests for screenings and evaluations should be made in writing to the building principal. Congress enacted the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to assure that all children with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education in the most typical school setting possible. IDEA includes a set of rights and protections for children with disabilities and their parents known as “procedural safeguards.” Parent permission and input must be obtained at certain points during the evaluation, placement and programming process.
Consent: You must agree when your school wants to evaluate your child to determine eligibility for special education, or before your child is placed in special education.
Protection in Evaluation Procedures: Your child will be evaluated to provide a full and accurate picture of his or her strengths and needs, and areas of possible disabilities.
Independent Education Evaluation: You are entitled to obtain an evaluation of your child from a qualified person(s) if you disagree with the evaluation of the School District. Under certain circumstances, the School District may be obligated to pay for that evaluation.
Eligibility for Services: The School District provides programs required for all exceptional children. The programs are based on each student’s needs for special education and related services. The terms and procedures used to determine if any particular student has such a need is defined by federal and state regulations. It is possible that your child may have an obvious disability but does not meet the definitions established by IDEA or the Pennsylvania regulations.
Disability Categories: Students with exceptionalities must be provided a free appropriate public education, if after evaluation, they are found to need special education and related services because of: autism/deaf-blindness, blindness or visual impairment, deafness, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, traumatic brain injury, emotional disturbance, other health impairment, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disability, or speech or language impairment. Preschoolers may also be identified as developmentally delayed.
Screening: Screenings are activities that require parent consent through a consultation consent notice. The evaluator may conduct assessments to determine if further evaluation is warranted based on academic or behavior challenges. Parents can request screening for their child in writing.
If you have questions or require additional information please contact either Dr. Kate Long, District Supervisor of Pupil Services (717) 389-1807, or, or the appropriate school psychologist for your child’s grade level, listed below.
- CCMS/CCHS: Christopher Greenawalt (717) 272-2032, or,
- Elementary: Open Position