Welcome to the CLSD Health Services website. Please read the information on these pages carefully and contact the appropriate building contact with any questions.


Every CLSD student has a right to be provided an optimal level of health, which permits the maximum utilization of educational opportunities. The school health care system will provide a safe and healthful school environment to implement an effective health care curriculum and deliver mandated health services. As a member of the education team, the professional school nurse is a provider of preventative and emergency health care, and a liaison educator. The goal of our school health program is to develop responsible and productive citizens with effective life-long health habits.

District Contacts



Cedar Crest High School

Pamela Wildonger (MSN, BSN, Dept. Chair)
Phone: 717.389.1832
Email: pwildonger@clsd.k12.pa.us

Tami Kohr, LPN - Nurse Aide

Cedar Crest Middle School

Nicole North (M.Ed, BSN, RN)
Phone: 717.389.1845
Email: nnorth@clsd.k12.pa.us

Lori Sensenig, LPN - Nurse Aide

Cornwall Elementary School

Michelle Johnson (BSN, RN, CSN)
Phone: 717.389.1883
Email: mjohnson@clsd.k12.pa.us

Jocelyn Scott, LPN - Nurse Aide

Ebenezer Elementary School

Audrey Firestine (BSN, RN)
Phone: 717.389.1876
Email: afirestine@clsd.k12.pa.us

Janiece Davis, RN - Flex Nurse and Aide

South Lebanon Elementary School

Amanda Kline (BSN, RN)
Phone: 717.389.1862
Email: akline@clsd.k12.pa.us

Jocelyn Scott, LPN - Nurse Aide

Union Canal Elementary School

Janel Weaber (LPN)
Phone: 717.389.1869
Email: jweaber@clsd.k12.pa.us

Janiece Davis, RN - Flex Nurse and Aide